Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting through

Clearly we are coming closer to the möbius twist in perception that the coming weeks, months, and years must bring.

I'm so interested in how others imagine the transition unfolding.

I think it's up to all of us to try to understand what's happening and to respond to it in the best possible frame of mind, body and soul — to be, as Ganesh Baba said, in 03, Optimal Operating Order— because, like many of us now, I believe we simultaneously create and are created by our experience. Crippled minds and souls can create chaos.

I think about this: one's response determines one's experience. Group responses determine group experiences.

Attention is the key, isn't it? What you pay attention to generates. Attention creates an opening but consciousness only pours through when mind steps aside. When mind is too dense, too set, consciousness must either seek another channel or flow through limited and narrow, set pathways. With aware, alert, unfocused attention - the relaxed attention meditation aspires to - consciousness rushes in and we see that this world is a complex, many-aspected reflection of the Self. The sacred is apparent everywhere; the re-enchantment of the world occurs. What hubris to think that man's mind had a monopoly on consciousness!

It is a mass awakening to the cosmic intelligence underlying the ordinary world. The rise of the Mother - and there is already a great opening. It's as if we are in the transition stage of the birth of awakening.

And, thank godness, more and more people are practicing presence. More and more people understand that they are the stage as well as the actors, and more, that they create both the stage and the play in their minds. The more we open to possibility, the more easily the birth of the new consciousness will go. Oprah Winfrey was midwife to the birth of consciousness in tens, perhaps hundreds now, of thousands of people. Class, culture and education have nothing to do with it. That hierarchy is crumbling.

The new consciousness coming in now, in particular since 10/8/08, is insisting that we step back from our ordinary lives - some people are getting a nasty wake-up call now - and become observers of our own minds, both our projections (active) and our responses (receptive).

I think we are controlled by our minds via water and earth, and control with our minds via air and fire. Water and earth encompass the physical and biological fields, and air and fire, the psychological and spiritual fields in which we all function.

For the transition to go easily, open-mindedness, flexibility and balance are necessary. It would seem that those who are ready to give up all expectation, to be open to absolutely anything, who don't resist, will have the easiest time.

The cocoon is breaking down; humanity is coming into its butterflyhood. The imaginal discs are linking up!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments about Presence reminded me of how thrilled I was to read our new Reform prayer book, Mishkan Tefilla - Gates of Prayer in which God is named as The Presence - how beautifully this is in keeping with your teachings as well as Tolle's.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Eve said...

I think a whole new language around spirituality is being developed now that crosses religious and philosophical lines that haven't been crossed before.

It's exciting!

10:44 AM  

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