Sunday, May 27, 2007

considering a recording

Months ago, at the urging of some of the home school folks I've been working with, I investigated the possibility of doing a recording of Journey to Mythaca. One of the joys of living halfway between LA and San Francisco is that some very interesting people retire here. I was delighted to make contact with an ex-Apple engineer with a small recording studio who was instantly enthusiastic about the project.

We set a date for a test recording to see if my voice would be suitable for recording. If it turned out not to be, we'd start looking for an actor who might do it cheap or even free for the experience. Then those heavy, heavy rains came, and the little studio was flooded.

Now the repairs are done, and we have a new appointment on Wednesday to do the test recording.

All those years I taught school, read-aloud was my favorite part of the day. Now, doing readings at schools is one of the great joys in my life. I read everything I write aloud, whether I have an audience or not. But it's not about being a practiced reader this time; it's about some quality in my voice that will be right or not right.

Now I'm off to print out all the pages I plan to read in size 14 font, as Rick, the engineer, suggested.

We'll see how it all unfolds.


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