Monday, July 05, 2010

The Spontaneous Gratitude Dance

Unless we learn to be grateful and humble, we cannot evolve
Ganesh Baba

About a week ago, during that very intense grand cardinal cross, I heard Jon Young telling stories about his recent visit with a group of Kalahari Bushmen in Botswana. What struck me, other than the tragedy of what "civilization" has cost the human race, was that the Bushmen appear to only have two rituals: a greeting ritual, and what Jon called the spontaneous gratitude dance.

Every time a member of the community feels grateful, he or she does a happy, shuffling and shaking little dance. Whenever someone does the dance everyone nearby joins in and pretty soon the whole group is dancing. Jon showed video footage of the gratitude dance a few times, notably when a bottle of very special water was presented to an elder.

Earlier the same day, a friend leading a solstice ritual reminded us of the Haudenosaunee belief that the only reason for humans to exist is to say thank you, that the proper use of free will is to complete the natural circle of giving by giving thanks to nature and spirit for providing. The main understanding I took from my research on the grand cross was that whatever transpired in that time was likely to have a lasting impact - and there I was reflecting on the extraordinary power of gratitude twice in one day.

At the time I was preparing for a radio interview about The Crazy Wisdom of Ganesh Baba, trying to decide which of the 4 P's described in the book (Posture, Prana, Practice and Presence) I wanted to emphasize in the interview. I decided that the one that interests me most at the moment is the third, Practice, or conscious action, paying attention to what you pay attention to. What we pay attention to grows because we are shining the light of consciousness on it. What could have a more positive impact on the world than paying more attention to gratitude?

More than any other practice I can think of, taking on the essential human responsibility of giving thanks as Haudenosaunee saw it has potential to create just the shift in consciousness the human race needs right now.

And the Kalahari Bushmen have known how to do it forever.

So I've been doing the spontaneous gratitude dance for about a week. My dance isn't exactly the same as the one the Bushmen do, but my three grandsons picked it up instantly, not only dancing whenever I did but starting their own dances whenever they felt grateful. It's a little silly, of course, but a little silliness coupled with a lot of gratefulness is just what the world needs.

Try it. It works.

February 21, 2011

Look - A wonderful video about the gratitude dance! Thanks for passing this on, Larry and Bob.

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Blogger El said...

Lovely post Eve. It's clear we have a lot to learn from other cultures.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Eve said...

I'm doing the dance!

5:56 PM  
Blogger Jeanie Greensfelder said...

Hi Eve, I love the dance for gratitude and spreading their message. Hope to hear more about Jon Young.
Found this on youtube

9:35 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Beautiful, Eve.

4:25 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

A serious visit is needed!!!!

4:35 AM  
Blogger Sharon Lovejoy said...

I love this dear Eve. I'll practice this today and when I get back to California I'll teach it to my grands.

You're amazing. Hope the book is doing as fantastically as it deserves.

Love from Maine,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing the dance!!

7:46 AM  
Blogger Eve said...

David Attenborough's film is so interesting, Jeanie! Did you see that there's another ritual the bushmen do in it - when they run and animal down?
Thanks for sharing.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Eve said...

The book is doing very well, Sharon. (I'm doing the gratitude dance.)

Is it hot in Maine? It's downright chilly here!

Good to hear from you.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Zoe said...

Eve - you amazing! Do you sleep? Thanks for this reminder that we can dance our gratitude - dance at anytime - sometimes we need a reminder! I will do a dance tonight. Blessings! Zoe

6:43 PM  

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