Monday, July 02, 2007

the rhythm of all the worlds

Because the print review of Journey to Mythaca was due to come out this week, I arranged a signing at our local independent bookstore. The Novel Experience is little shop on of the busiest blocks in San Luis's lively downtown. Signings are done in the alcove outside the front door, a prime spot on a Saturday afternoon, especially on July 4th weekend.

But when I stopped by to check my stock there this morning, I realized that the clocks were not all chiming in harmony. No publicity had been done - not that publicity really does that much for an event like this. It's really about visibility on the street, but all the same...

I rushed home and spent the rest of the morning making the poster you see here. It took several hours to get it more or less right, but then it only cost 89ยข a copy to reproduce it in poster size at Kinko's. So, not bad.

Then I sent invitations to every local friend I've got.

And another friend is doing a press release this evening. Late, I know. Very late.

All the same, I'm looking forward to the signing. But, in light of the reality that signings in general are a wash unless you are J.K. Rowling, I'm taking all the characters from this book and the next to keep me company.


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