Thursday, June 01, 2006

Imaginal discs

Several nights ago, I had a memorable series of dreams. Lately I've been dreaming all night, it seems, but the dreams haven't stayed with me, even though I promise to write them down each night as I fall asleep.

But this group was so vivid that I can still feel it when I tell it.

I dreamed that I was assigned to hide some circles with centerpoints. The circles were almost invisible and very light and came in many sizes.

It was a windy night and both Tom and woke up several times, but each time I went back to sleep, the dreams continued and I had more circles to hide.

I hide the first one in a tree, holding it like a tray and sliding it horizontally into the trunk so that it matched the tree rings. As soon as the match was made, the circle disappeared and I had another in my hand. I hid the second one on top of a galvanized steel trash can lid and several small ones in flowers. I noticed some people wearing buttons with yellow and black targets on them, so I put small circles on those.

I think I spent the whole night in this activity and I haven't yet stopped seeing circles with center points everywhere around me. More hiding places!

When I shared this dream with my women's group, one my friends was reminded of imaginal discs.

Imaginal discs are a special kind of cells that caterpillars have that hold the entire image of the butterfly on them. When metamorphosis begins, the discs are activated. The caterpillar's system doesn't recognize them and tries to fight them off by creating a kind of toxic sludge. The imaginal discs keep waking up and moving around to find each other and join together. The sludge can only destroy individual discs and the caterpillar's ordinary cells.

Once enough imaginal discs are linked together, they consume the toxic sludge, and the caterpillar is a butterfly.

What an incredible metaphor for these times!


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